After Dominika worked with Mohawk Media on animations for Productivity Commission, they decided to use her for illustrations for their raports and presentations in the same hand-drawn style, Dominika has produced infographics, images for reports and website.
ILLUSTRATION: Dominika Marcisz
Growing the Digital Economy
A graphic that depicts the local and central government (district and regional council) funding and financing framework for local authorities – cost pressures, funding and financing models and regulatory systems – to maintain and deliver services to their communities into the future. The local government services to communities are parking & roads, community & culture, rates & property, environment & waste, consents & licensing.
A graphic for the Commission’s new digital economy inquiry into Growing the digital economy and maximising opportunities for small and medium enterprises. It needs to depict the two countries New Zealand and Australia and digital technology.
Growing Digital Economy – Infographic
The Australian and New Zealand Productivity Commissions were asked to explore how institutional and regulatory settings in the two countries can support the use of digital technology and how small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) can maximise the opportunities from digital transformation. The inforgraphic shows the findings and proposed way forward.
Series of small, simple, reusable images to be used throughout the social media platforms and rapports.